Moteur de recherche

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Recherche internet

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Leader Shops

Home Fashion, wedding clothes, african fashion, planethoster best web hosting, Samsung, Finding a wife is not easy, Perseverance in prayers, love of money, finding a faithful husband is not easy from our days.
Leader Shops primarily sells and promotes high-end apparel, footwear, sundries, and bridal decorations through its online shelves. In effect,
All our passion is to adorn you with beautiful[...]



Ideas of nature

Organization rises awareness of society in the fields of environmental protection, healthy way of life and ecology. It is being accomplished by organizing trainings, seminars, conferences, various events, international and local exchange projects, and promoting ecologically responsible enterprises.



Med B strategy

A guiding educational site through educational articles about investing and studying projects with motivational texts and daily economic news
The issue of harmonizing education and the business sector is an important issue, and educational institutions bear the brunt, as the student spends a large time of his life in schools. which practically shape the attitudes and behaviors of society. But it[...] ACTIVATION DU SITE 62544


Agence de voyage

Morocco Tours - Desert Tours from Marrakech

Morocco Tours Agency offers private Morocco tours, cultural tours, and excursions that are suitable for couples, friends, small group travel, independent travelers, students, and families with children. inspect our suggested itineraries, our ideas for the simplest day trips around Marrakech, or a camel ride within the Sahara. Our organized Morocco tours, hikes, and excursions start from Marrakech,[...]

https://www.mor... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61448

Les résultats du moteur de recherche affichent la fiche des sites web inscrits dans les pages de l'annuaire.

Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.

Côté classement, sont placés en tête des résultats les sites sponsorisés avec logo, puis les sites sponsorisés sans logo, suivis des sites internet avec logo. Viennent ensuite les sites web "normaux", puis les sites web en attente d'acceptation.