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Recherche internet

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Library of congress

The Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is the nation´s oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 120 million items. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and manuscripts.

Installée à Washington et fondée en 18[...]


Ciel et espace

Space telescope

The european homepage for the Nasa / Esa Hubble space telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope is a collaboration between ESA and NASA. It is a long-term, space-based observatory. In many ways Hubble has revolutionised modern astronomy, by not only being an efficient tool for making new discoveries, but also by driving astronomical research in general.
Fruit de la collabor[...]


Ciel et espace

Learn more about Nasa as an agency. Explore the many facets of nasa from our administration and leadership, to our mission and vision for the future, to business, research and career opportunities.

Découvrez en anglais toute l'actualité spatiale de la NASA (l'agence spatiale américaine), ses archives, ainsi que de nombreux liens vers d'autres thèmes de la NASA consac[...]



Golden Idea, fashion design studio

We are a fashion design studio composed of a Design sector, which treats complete creation of models (research fabrics, silhouette, technical sheet etc) and of a Graphic sector in care of the image (graphic identity, prints, packaging, catalogues etc). One purpose of our company is to expend product lines - Men - Women - Children - adapting our stylistic, graphic and technical knowledge to your ne[...]


Métier de la sécurité

Ambassador agency security

Welcome on our website, we are specialized in the protection of VIP persons which research proffessionels. You looking for a hight standing security for all around the world, We are has your provision so that all your displacements in France and abroad would be most comfortable with a safety maximum and as discrete as possible. Please do not hesitate to consult us for all your needs



Slipring for industry

Label SAS design and manufacturing of electrical slip rings. Originally specialized to manufacture miniature slip rings for aeronautics, the company has acquired a know-how over the years in mid size slip rings (robotic, food industry, medical, wind turbines, nuclear, spatial, textile industry…) and large slip rings (off shore, petroleum, cranes…). We make standard and customized models, rings and[...]


Vitrines d'exposition

Display mannequin

Hight quality mannequin. Exclusif Design. Our dedicated team will continue to work closely with our customers to satisfy their needs. Our research and development team are at the forefront of technology achieving how best to service our valued clients.



University of alberta

The University of Alberta's central website (Canada).


Enseignement supérieur

University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh, promoting excellence in teaching and research. Over 300 degree courses. One of the UK's top rated research universities. Located in Scotland's capital city, one of the liveliest and most beautiful cities in Northern Europe.
Le site de l'université d'Edimbourg en Ecosse.


Logiciel de gestion

Heavenize - a software editor company

Heavenize is a software editor company dedicated to financial services. The company created Osmoze, the first Bespoke Decision Making Platform for finance.

Heavenize created a new kind of technology that combines all the enterprise data and expertise. Using in-house intelligence, Osmoze can process all your time-consuming tasks to free up times for core business activities.

Osmoze is a new k[...]



Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization

Founded in 1995, the Scientific Research Organization exploring the bigfoot / sasquatch mystery. Includes geographic database, theories, research projects, and tips on collecting evidence. What about a short piece of 16mm film obtained by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin in 1967 ?

Pour tous les amateurs de cryptozoologie, bigfoot, ce fascinant bipède mi-homme, mi-sing[...]



Cécile Elise Mioni

I am a marine biogeochemist and I am generally interested in nutrient bioavailability to aquatic microbial organisms.

More precisely, I would like to focus my research in using biotechnology (whole cell biosensor or 'bioreporter') and molecular tools (FISH, Q-RT PCR) to link nutrient bioavailability to marine microbial communities structure and function.

So far I have focused my research o[...]



Preserve your family history

Online genealogy store selling genealogy how-to books, scrapbooking books, and scrapbook supplies to create a heritage scrapbook or legacy albums.As well as informative site on how to trace and research your family tree and links to research and uncover your own roots. For those that are just starting we have genealogy kits and charts.



Civil war

The Civil War Home Page brings together thousands of pages of Civil War material including information on Battles, Documents, Associations, Letters & Diaries, Research Records, Biographical Information, Photos, Reenacting and Unit Information.

Un site us dédié à la guerre de sécession qui a opposé au milieu du XIXe siècle les états du nord américains aux état[...]



Covid-19 and Corona Research

The mitochondrial and genetic researcher, Sandro Zumpe, says he has found the reason why COVID-19 does not break out in certain people.

Vaccine based on a previous disease Infection

With the SARS-COV-2 virus can trigger the respiratory disease COVID-19. To prevent this from happening, researchers around the world are looking for a vaccine against the SARS-COV-2 virus. Sandro Zumpe now seems[...]

http://covid-19... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61011


Presse people

Biopolymers & Bioplastics

The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, as a speaker for the upcoming "10th Edition of International Conference on Biopolymers & Bioplastics".

Biopolymers & Bioplastics conference will be hosted in Singapore during May 29-30, 2019. We would be pleased to have your presence at the conference proceedings. The main theme of the conferen[...]

https://biopoly... ACTIVATION DU SITE 56795



Accounts home tutor, economics home tutor statistics home tutor h

Accounts home tutor, economics home tutor statistics home tutor
Coaching, home tuition, home tutor, online tuition, online tutor project and assignment solutions for Class XI, XII, BBA, B.Com, MBA & CA all subjects accounts, economics, financial management, cost accounting, statistics, operation research, income tax.

Financial management home tuition, cost accounting ho[...]

chandigarh, ind... ACTIVATION DU SITE 63765



E-Bike Controller Manufacturer-MING CHENG

MINGCHENG is an e bike controller manufacturer.Our e bike controller produces high quality e bike controller. There are various e bike controllers here.

Changzhou Mingcheng Zhizao Technology Co., Ltd. is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, production, sales and service of electric vehicle controllers. The company has a research and development team led by technical experts of electri[...]

https://www.min... ACTIVATION DU SITE 65258



Food Science EXPO 2022

We are proud to announce the “INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY”, to be held during March 28-29, 2021 in Dubai, UAE. On this auspicious occasion, Organizing Committee invites the participants from all over the globe to take part in this annual flagship conference with the theme “Exploring the environmental conditions of food production”. Food Science Expo 2022 aims in procla[...]

https://https:/... ACTIVATION DU SITE 62496


Aménagement d'espaces professionnels

Innovation R. Services for companies

We are a service company, conceived and shaped to integrate your company in a wide range of activities. With Innovation R. your company will get important benefits concerning flexibility, efficiency, professionality, quality standard increase, cost reductions. Services for companies and professionals
• Providing every company with a solution tailored to its specific needs;
• Integ[...]

https://www.inn... ACTIVATION DU SITE 59721

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Les résultats du moteur de recherche affichent la fiche des sites web inscrits dans les pages de l'annuaire.

Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.

Côté classement, sont placés en tête des résultats les sites sponsorisés avec logo, puis les sites sponsorisés sans logo, suivis des sites internet avec logo. Viennent ensuite les sites web "normaux", puis les sites web en attente d'acceptation.