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Library of congress

The Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is the nation´s oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 120 million items. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and manuscripts.

Installée à Washington et fondée en 18[...]



Cincinnati art museum

The Cincinnati Art Museum features an unparalleled art collection of more than 60,000 works spanning 6,000 years (costume and textiles, prints, drawings, photographs, painting, sculpture, decorative art, contemporary art...) In addition to displaying its own broad collection, the Art Museum also hosts several national and international traveling exhibitions each year. Visitors can enjoy the exhibi[...]



First world war

Maps, vintage photographs, history of the first world war.

Un site pour tous ceux qui veulent tout savoir sur la première guerre mondiale. Photos, cartes, récits détaillés des épisodes marquants de la grande guerre.



Truman presidential museum

Truman Presidential Museum & Library hosts documents, photographs, virtual exhibits, audio files, oral histories, digital archives, kids page, educational information about President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972), and his Presidency.

Le musée consacré à la vie du Président américain Harry S. Truman, situé dans le Missouri à Independence (ville où il est enterré), retrace[...]



Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre

Located in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre is dedicated to preserving our arctic history, the history and culture of the Dene, Inuvialuit, Metis, and non aboriginal peoples of the NWT. The Northern Heritage Centre houses, the territorial museum, the NWT Archives, and heritage programs which extend beyond the walls of the Centre.



The getty center

The official Web site of the Jean-Paul Getty Trust. The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center in Los Angeles (California) houses European paintings, drawings, sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, decorative arts, and European and American photographs. Admission to the Getty Center is FREE - no tickets or reservations required for general admission.

Site officiel d[...]



Travel Earth Photography

This site presents a collection of photographs taken from some of the most beautiful travel destinations. Most of these pictures are landscapes, cityscapes, nature, scenic, people and wildlife pictures. At present, more than 600 images on the following locations are featured (I have more than 5000 images in stock) : Tibet, Chile, Argentina, Namibia, Galapagos, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal,[...]



Alina glasova photographer

Alina Glasova Photography (Saint Petersburg, Russia). Gallery (art-photo), portfolio (working photographs), photo travels. Analog and digital photography.
Keywords : photography, Russia, portfolio, photographs, photo, travel, portrait, reporting, still-life, report, exhibition, analog, digital, film.


Photo de reportage

Raphael Lachaud - photographer

Born in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), march 1968, Raphael Lachaud is a french photographer. Contact him for acquisitions of original photographs or for reproduction.

Photographe professionnel réalisant des paysages, des portraits dans les rues de Paris, Rotterdam, Londres... en France, en Jordanie, en Syrie... Photographe spécialisé dans la photo en noir et blanc,[...]



World war 2 in color

Collection of rare color photographs and images from World War II - German Air Force, US, Japanese, Soviet and other units.

Pour tous les passionnés d'histoire et de photographies anciennes, découvrez sur ce site anglophone, une importante collection de photographies de la seconde guerre mondiale en couleur. Unités terrestres, navales ou aériennes, des alliés[...]


Armée de l'air

War bird photos

Aviation image archive. Photographs of US aviation past and present : Warbird Aircraft from World War 1 to Modern Day.

Des centaines de photos consacrées à l'aviation américaine de la Première Guerre mondiale à nos jours pour redécouvrir les chasseurs et bombardiers de l'Armée américaine : P-38, P-47, B-17, F-8, F-18, Yak-11...


Photos de voyage

Photos de jordanie

Quelques pages destinées à vous faire partager notre voyage en Jordanie. 3 semaines sont suffisantes pour découvrir ce pays avec un sac à dos et un bon guide touristique. De ce périple, nous nous souviendrons de l'hospitalité des Jordaniens, des nombreux monuments et vestiges archéologiques d'Amman, Jerash, Madaba, Aqaba, et surtout Pétra. Nous n'oublierons pas les paysages arides, le Wadi-Rum, et[...]

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