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Recherche internet

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Services financiers

Beacon - financial directory

1001 financial sites, with the detailed information. Top. Fee Add Url. Analyst and news, banking, brokerages, exchanges, insurance, loan, financial directories, financial services, investments and funds. Top. Fee Add Url.



Avocat droit des affaires

Le cabinet est spécialisé en droit des affaires. Il intervient essentiellement en droit commercial, droit des sociétés ou encore en droit bancaire. Il accompagne les entrepreneurs et dirigeants d'entreprises dans leurs activités. Le cabinet assiste ses clients dans la cession ou acquisition d'entreprise. Le cabinet intervient également en cas de contentieux et défends ses clients devant toute les[...]


Vitrail d'art

Offerta di prestito seria onesta

Offerta di prestito: questo messaggio è per gli individui, o tutti coloro che hanno bisogno di credito tra individui seri per ricostruire le loro vite.
stai cercando credito tra privati per riavviare le tue attività sia per la realizzazione di un progetto, sia per comprarti un appartamento ma ti è vietato il banking o il tuo file è stato rifiutato in banca. Siamo un individuo che concediamo credi[...]

http://offertad... ACTIVATION DU SITE 64429



Nylon Printing Company


1, For packaging Nylon and wrapping film for packaging food stuff like meat, fish, diary Products, sausages, as in cheese and pastry packaging and sweet packaging.

2, As carrier bags printed or plain at textile shop, readymade garment shops, chemist shops, stationary stores and groc[...]

https://www.taa... ACTIVATION DU SITE 64119



SAP Business One: The most comprehensive ERP solution for SMBs

SAP Business One is business management software meant for small and medium-sized businesses. It has a complete set of extensive ERP features through which businesses can manage their cash flow, inventory, sales, and a lot of other business processes. It is divided into several functional modules, each covering a definite function of an enterprise. The complete SAP business one package includes th[...]

https://mpssolu... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61727



EKAIT - Global IT Solutions

We are a global IT solutions company with a vision to comprehend the varied needs of our clients and business partners and deliver cultured technology solutions. We support you in fostering your innovative business ideas and assist you in executing them successfully. We are equipped to render services in various domains like pharma, healthcare, insurance, infrastructure, banking and finance.


https://https:/... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61204



Offerta di prestito seria onesta

Offerta di prestito: questo messaggio è per gli individui, o tutti coloro che hanno bisogno di credito tra individui seri per ricostruire le loro vite.
stai cercando credito tra privati per riavviare le tue attività sia per la realizzazione di un progetto, sia per comprarti un appartamento ma ti è vietato il banking o il tuo file è stato rifiutato in banca. Siamo un individuo che concediamo credi[...]

https://offerta... ACTIVATION DU SITE 64382

Les résultats du moteur de recherche affichent la fiche des sites web inscrits dans les pages de l'annuaire.

Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.

Côté classement, sont placés en tête des résultats les sites sponsorisés avec logo, puis les sites sponsorisés sans logo, suivis des sites internet avec logo. Viennent ensuite les sites web "normaux", puis les sites web en attente d'acceptation.