March 31, 2025, 2:57 am


International web directory



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[...] Computers / Internet

European business mailing list - Buy b2b email database

Since 2011 we offer european business mailing list of high quality for email permission marketing campaigns to obtain more leads realy interested in your product or services.

Our email B2B database are been validated and updated constantly. We guarantee from hard bounces by refund of every singular email in case of that enter 2 months from each singular database order. We sell european and worldwide corporate email lists for every geo target and by more level of profilation.Let us give your ideal and geo targeted email db contactl High specialization foreuropean and italian corporate niches.

Free quotations and newsletter registration to obtain coupon code on our normal database price list.


Alexa internet

Fondée en avril 1996 et appartenant à, Alexa Internet fournit des statistiques sur le trafic, l'audience, ou la popularité des sites que vous recherchez.

Alexa has built an unparalleled database of information about sites that includes statistics, related links and more. All of this information can be found on Alexa's Site Overview pages, Traffic Detail pages and Related Links pages. Simply type the URL of any site into the Alexa Search box.


Forums digitalpoint

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing forum. Discussion related to search engines, including optimization, marketing, tools and other technical aspects.
Forum anglophone avec discussions autour d'internet, des moteurs de recherche et des annuaires. Outils de promotion, rentabilité, référencement, aspects techniques.


Free shorten urls service

A free and simple short URL service - Un raccourcisseur de lien, simple et gratuit, utile et efficace ! N'hésitez plus à vous servir d'un tel outil qui facilite le partage de liens vers des pages web dont l'url est largement trop longue pour une visibilité optimale.


GTmetrix - website speed

GTmetrix est un site anglophone très utile pour les webmasters. Il n'est pas unique dans son genre, mais il est particulièrement apprécié pour sa simplicité. GTmetrix est un outil en ligne qui vous sert à déceler les points faibles de votre site web et à en optimiser les pages ; celles-ci sont toujours trop lourdes ou pas assez rapides à s'ouvrir. Grâce à GTmetrix tester en ligne vos pages web et découvrez les zones de code à améliorer, pour augmenter vos performances. Mise en cache, réduction de votre css et javascript, réduction du poids de vos images, compression de vos pages... autant de paramètres pointés par GTmetrix qui vous permettront d'optimiser au mieux votre site web.


Htpasswd generator

If you want to protect web folders on some of your websites, Apache provides you with a secure way to protect your data using .htaccess and .htpasswd configuration files. Here is a very simple and quick step-by-step tutorial to setup this protection on your web server. Two copy/paste, and that's it! Your files are protected, and only the users you specified can access them. This tutorial also include a free online tool to generate the htpasswd encrypted file from a list of specified users and passwords. Protect your data, use this .htpasswd generator ! And don't forget: changing your password on a regular basis is the best option.


International advertising

Specialising in internet search engine listing and advertising of French language websites in every country in the world. Over 180 countries


PageRank provides search engine optimization tools to check search engine ranking and tips on increasing Web traffic. Includes links to news on specific search engines.

Vous possédez un site, vous voulez connaitre sa popularité sur le web dans la plupart des moteurs de recherche tels Google, Altavista, Yahoo, Hotbot... alors ce site est fait pour vous. En plus profitez des autres services pour webmasters, créateur de métatags, calcul de votre pagerank etc. Site en anglais.



Web design, graphic design & Adobe Photoshop tutorials. Features website templates, Photoshop 6.0 & Photoshop 7.0 tutorials.
Pour tous ceux qui manquent d'imagination pour créer un design sympa pour leur prochain site web, ce site propose une série de tutoriaux pour créer avec photoshop des pages web au look original.


Seo centro

SeoCentro designed this search engine optimization tool for to check link popularity from websites. The Link Popularity analysis program will search Google, Yahoo, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, and MSN to determine how many pages are linking to your web page.

Site anglophone simple d'utilisation qui met à disposition des webmasters plusieurs outils pour connaitre la popularité de leurs sites dans les principaux moteurs de recherche du web. Nombre de pages pointant vers leurs sites, nombre de pages de leurs sites indexées dans les moteurs, vérification des méta tags de vos pages web, etc.


Validator w3

This is the W3C Markup Validation Service, a free service that checks Web documents in formats like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.

Voici un site capital pour tous ceux qui possèdent un site web. Des millions de webmasters ignorent que le langage qu'ils utilisent pour construire leurs pages web, évolue. Les pages de vos sites ne sont peut-être plus lisibles sur tous les navigateurs, voire pire, sont ignorées par les moteurs de recherche, tel Google. La norme actuelle est le html 4.01 et plus récemment la norme Xhtml 1.0. Ce site anglophone, vous permet de mettre les pages de vos sites aux normes actuelles.


International Search Engine Optimization

Global SEO for multilingual websites. International Search Engine Optimization for all languages and target markets.
Une bonne stratégie de webmarketing ne peut désormais se faire sans un travail de Search Engine Optimization. En effet, sur la toile il faut être vu mais surtout, il faut aussi être vu par les bons internautes. Le SEO est le sésame qui permet de faire se rencontrer, grâce à l'usage de moteurs de recherche, l'internaute au contenu qui l'intéresse. Pour qu'un moteur de recherche répertorie avantageusement un site, il faut savoir utiliser son algorithme. Concrètement, il faut l'alimenter avec un ensemble de mots clé. Ces termes soigneusement choisis, vont permettre d'identifier les contenus web, de les répertorier et de les proposer comme réponses aux requêtes des internautes. Aussi, plus le SEO sera efficace, plus le site gagnera en différenciation et en visites.


United States

Cli3nts is a cutting-edge AI-powered platform designed to automate and optimize your LinkedIn strategy. It serves as an all-in-one solution to enhance your LinkedIn engagement, boost inbound connections, and streamline outbound efforts, ultimately fostering rapid growth for your professional network. With Cli3nts, you can effortlessly maximize your LinkedIn presence by automating key functions that typically require significant time and effort.The platform specializes in both inbound and outbound automation, ensuring that your interactions are timely, efficient, and engaging. Cli3nts automates replies and comments, providing instant engagement and smarter lead nurturing. This AI-powered system understands the nuances of LinkedIn communication, allowing you to maintain a personalized touch while saving precious time.One of the standout features of Cli3nts is the Setter AI, which handles incoming messages by generating thoughtful responses within 10 minutes, preserving your unique communication style. This feature significantly enhances your ability to connect with prospects and clients, while maintaining a high level of personalized engagement.For those looking to maximize their reach, Cli3nts also offers an affiliate program, allowing users to generate passive income by sharing a personalized URL. Affiliates earn 25% of all revenue generated through their link as long as the subscription remains active.Setting up Cli3nts is simple and intuitive, with guided steps that help tailor the AI to suit your LinkedIn interactions. The platform also offers flexibility with its draft option, enabling users to review and edit suggested responses before sending, ensuring more thoughtful replies to complex queries.Cli3nts integrates with HubSpot for smooth communication across channels like email, Messenger, chatbots, and WhatsApp. While direct CRM integrations are being developed, the platform is focused on expanding its connectivity options.


Flying cow design
United States

Flying Cow Design offers custom web design and development services in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento in California.


Cosmoservice - creazione siti web Roma

Realizzazione siti web aggiornabili CMS, creazione siti web con certificazione W3C, siti web per cellulari, posizionamento nei motori di ricerca, campagne Pay per Click. Creazione Siti Web Roma. Creazione siti web a Roma e Provincia a prezzi vantaggiosi, siti professionali Xhtml con studio grafico personalizzato. Prezzi Economici. La nostra strutturazione interna ed il costante aggiornamento tecnologico ci permettono di mantenere Prezzi veramente bassi. Seguiamo il cliente. Ti veniamo a trovare per scegliere insieme la soluzione migliore e ti seguiamo passo passo. Servizio completo nella Progettazione siti e Progettazione software. Uniamo la Progettazione di siti e la Progettazione software sia web che desktop per creare applicazioni personalizzate. Servizio completo nella Progettazione grafica pubblicitaria e internet. Mettiamo insieme le campagne pubblicitarie in internet e quelle tradizionali su carta per avere un maggior ritorno dell’investimento.


Webmekanics - web design company

Webmekanics is a young and vibrant web design company based in Rawalpindi, Pakistan with a team of skilled professionals including software engineers, designers and marketers, offering state of the art internet based solutions for all your professional online needs including but not limited to responsive websites, reliable and secure web applications for your business, visually stunning graphic designing, search engine optimization and internet marketing campaigns along with exceptional customer services to keep you updated and accommodate your suggestions at every single stage of the development project.


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