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Direct-Dierenarts is een online dierenapotheek. Op deze webwinkel kunt u een breed assortiment producten kopen voor uw hond of kat. Dieetvoeding, medicijnen een accessoires, de bekendste merken zijn verkrijgbaar op Direct-Dierenarts (HIll's Specific, Frontline, Virbac, Furminator, Urine-off, Halti, Pet-Caddy...). Direct-Dierenarts is een betrouwbare oplossing om voor uw hond of kat te winkelen : g[...]
Icone Religieuse présente l'Art des icônes peintes de Pologne, présentation, promotion et vente d'icônes. Présentation d'icônes religieuses réalisées par des artistes iconographes polonais. Vente en ligne. Paiement sécurisé.
Presentation of religious icons designed by polish iconographers. Online shopping, secure payment.
Electricité : implantation circuit électrique, en neuf ou rénovation, dépannage, mesure de terre et mise en conformité, câblage volets roulant, plans électriques, modification des circuits électriques.
vidéo-surveillance: installation de caméras, câblage, raccordement à l'enregistreur et mise en service. Paramétrage enregistreur pour permettre l'accès depuis un smartphone android ou IOS.
Dépannage auto
10-4 Tow is a licensed franchise company serving domestic and commercial customers across the country. And our Santa Clara branch offers a comprehensive selection of services to help you in emergencies.
Our local team provides towing and roadside assistance solutions through a network of professional affiliates. They’re trained, experienced, and equipped to solve any problem you might run into on[...]
Matériaux de construction
Technoflex est une entreprise canadienne spécialisée dans la fabrication de produits faits à partir de caoutchouc recyclé à 100%. Notre division signalisation se spécialise dans la production de produits sécuritaires destinés au marché de la signalisation routière. De plus, nous sommes spécialisés dans la confection de tapis et de couvre-marches en caoutchouc recyclé, antidérapants et durables, ve[...]
Porte et portail
Canadian Garage Door Repair Home is considered to be the most peaceful and safe place on earth. But that is only possible when it is properly protected.
Most of the people neglect their garage door. Either they do not install a garage door, or they don't care whether it's faulty or functioning properly.
You may not put full attention to your workplace when you are mentally concerned back hom[...]
In-vehicle security for carrying arms and ammunition. Can also be used for any valuables that you need to carry in your vehicle (computers, cameras, tools, jewelry, money). You can have the TruckVault made to your specifications and they are custom made for any vehicle on the road. The Extreme series All-Weather TruckVault can withstand all types of weather. TruckVaults also help protect your[...]
Services financiers
Virtuse Exchange is a singapore-based crypto-commodity platform that allows customers in more than 100 countries to exchange cryptos and commodities.
It enables access to the most attractive financial assets by creating an open ecosystem which allows crypto-traders to tap into global investment opportunities across markets like commodities and investment funds.
Virtuse Exchange is an incre[...]
Conception de sites web
Webmekanics is a young and vibrant web design company based in Rawalpindi, Pakistan with a team of skilled professionals including software engineers, designers and marketers, offering state of the art internet based solutions for all your professional online needs including but not limited to responsive websites, reliable and secure web applications for your business, visually stunning graphic de[...]
Sécurité internet
If you want to protect web folders on some of your websites, Apache provides you with a secure way to protect your data using .htaccess and .htpasswd configuration files. Here is a very simple and quick step-by-step tutorial to setup this protection on your web server. Two copy/paste, and that's it! Your files are protected, and only the users you specified can access them. This tutorial also incl[...]
The International Atomic Energy Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. To know more about us, visit our site.
L'Agence Internationale pour l'Energie Atomique est chargée de promouvoir les technologies du nucléaire civil. Au coeur de l'actualité, l'Agence est également chargée du co[...]
Smart Security Solutions for Business
Do you have a business and you want to stay secured with everything? Having this is a great advantage on your part. This can help you monitor your business and your employees well. That’s why I would love to give you tips on what you can do to have smart security solutions for your business.
1. Increase your standards when hiring an employee.
When you’v[...]
http://www.prec... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61612
Newcastle Asbestos Removal was established to provide the industry with safe and secure asbestos removal requirements. Our commitment to excellence is evident in an extensive training program for our staff and acquiring modern technology-based equipment. Our company has been designed to be in line with the most stringent standards of the market, and we will never sacrifice quality or excellence.[...]
http://www.pint... ACTIVATION DU SITE 63396
Swiss Security Solutions LLC is a company based in Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss Security Solutions provides customized security, safety, investigative, intelligence and defence solutions, services and systems to help, serve, secure and care for the people, businesses and public in our communities, and to make our private, business and public customers feel safe. At Swiss Security Solutions, we firml[...]
https://www.swi... ACTIVATION DU SITE 66204
Gain web
HP offers a wide range of business laptops those professionals whose computing requirements extend beyond the basic usage. With so many great options, it can get confusing to make the right choice for your own performance requirements. Let us see the different options you have, and whether or not they will be suitable for you.
If you are looking for HP business laptop in Colombo, Base HP can he[...]
http://basehp.l... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61243
InnovationM is one of the pre-eminent organisation in the finance app development industry. We serve clients around the globe. Our aim is to provide quality services to our clients so that they can achieve success and growth. Our finance app development our safe and secure for the user. Our offering are:
- Digital wallet solution: You can easily transfer money to any account or user, you can add[...]
https://www.inn... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61567
tour operator
Resting in the cradle of the awe-inspiring Himalayas, Rishikesh is a haven for both adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts. This charming town in Uttarakhand, India, is renowned not only for its spiritual and yoga heritage but also for offering an exhilarating adventure that beckons thrill-seekers worldwide: river rafting. This heart-pounding pursuit along the Ganges River promises more than jus[...]
https://triptra... ACTIVATION DU SITE 66949
Les résultats du moteur de recherche affichent la fiche des sites web inscrits dans les pages de l'annuaire.
Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.
Côté classement, sont placés en tête des résultats les sites sponsorisés avec logo, puis les sites sponsorisés sans logo, suivis des sites internet avec logo. Viennent ensuite les sites web "normaux", puis les sites web en attente d'acceptation.